tisdag, maj 06, 2008

Varför använda kamerans RAW format?

Jag lämnade in min kamera på Intervision idag när tanken slog mig att jag, som har fotat en del, ville veta varför man bör använda kamerans RAW-format, egentligen. Det finns både för och nackdelar. Här några för- och nackdelar från Northlight Images.

* All your conversions are done on a fast powerful computer at your convenience.
* Images can be 'fixed' in ways which would be very difficult without the raw sensor data.
* You get the full range of data from the sensor.
* Without sharpening or compression you have not 'lost' any data.
* You can change your mind about some of the picture settings after you have taken it.

* Raw files are bigger
* JPEGs are quick and easy to use.
* Special software is required to do the conversion.
* Not all cameras support raw formats and may offer reduced functionality when using raw.

En ganska bra sammanfattning
"The first is people for whom the creative moment is when you press the shutter release, and who do not want to be involved in post-processing. This was Henri Cartier-Bresson's approach. This group also includes professionals like wedding photographers or photojournalists for whom a streamlined workflow is an economic necessity (even though the overhead of a RAW workflow diminishes with the right software, it is still there).

The second type of users is composed of perfectionists who want
complete control over the image. In the age of film, they would spend
long hours in the darkroom getting their prints just like they want
them. This is the approach of Ansel Adams. The RAW file is the negative."

Jag tillhör nog den första kategorin. Att sitta med efterredigering i timmar är kul men har
jag sällan tid med det, även om jag kände att jag definitivt
skulle vilja göra det med några bilder jag tog på Borneo i februari mars i år.

Mer om RAW

Icke-raw. Make the right shot and post. Efterredigering är inte kul.

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